What Now?
Whither now the GOP?
Will Obama be a centrist, or led by the nose by the other two in the Troika, namely Harry and Nancy?
What guns should we get first?
Open thread.
Will Obama be a centrist, or led by the nose by the other two in the Troika, namely Harry and Nancy?
What guns should we get first?
Open thread.
At 5:59 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Hey, cuz....
I went to bed at 9 pm pretty well certain that Obama had won, so I'm not surprised, just surprised that so many people I think are missing the essence of MLK's speech that one day a man will be judged on not the color of his skin, but on the content of his character. Unfortunately, with 99% of african-americans who voted, voted for Obama, I get the impression they voted for him BECAUSE he is black. Disappointed, but not surprised here in Indiana.
At 1:08 PM ,
Jon Kl said...
I dunno. I think this election was surprisingly free of racism - aside from, of course, the White Guilt vote.
And then there's the accusations that any criticism is somehow racist.
It remains to be seen whether this takes the air out racial politics, or it makes it worse. I'm hopeful.
At 1:17 PM ,
Jon Kl said...
I think one thing we learned last night was that social conservatives aren't necessarily Republicans. When you look at the results of the marriage ballot measures in FL and CA, they both won, while Obama won both states. So the conventional wisdom of using that block as a wedge to get votes doesn't seem so wise.
Even more, though, I think the influence of the social conservative wing of the party has gone overboard. Most of that is liberal mischaracterization in point of fact, but without a strong fiscal conservatism or small-government conservatism narrative, it's an easy characterization to make. The Libertarian party fails because they let the anti-drug-law potheads run the show, let's make sure the GOP can emphasize all aspects of American conservatism, too.
Do we throw them under the bus? Heck no. What we need to do is bring back the emphasis on Gingrich-style good, limited government.
And who embodies the ability to be socially-conservative yet a regular average person, and has the background and emphasis on good, responsible government?
RSR isn't just the initials of this blog - oddly enough, they can stand for Run, Sarah, Run, too.
At 4:10 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I'm disappointed and yes I lost sleep wondering about everything from my employment over the next four years to how to hide the .22cal plinkers handed down gen2gen.
Remember how liberals reacted when Bush won reelection??? That's how I feel now...so maybe we can survive 4 more years.
So much Obama suport comes from a generation Sub-X that is largely unescdukated in morality, federalism, and issues in general--esp. foreign policy. I'm no genius, but I haven't seen socialism and communism help too many of the wealthiest countries in the world. When we shift to a global economy and we're at the top, which way will we go??? Am I wrong???
George Bush Sr. once said, "God Bless the CIA." I'm of the same mind set. Time to use this domestic security framework to catch some treasonites BEFORE they're controlling anything. Where does the bull pen go from Speaker of the house???
A left-wing WH, HR, Senate, and Judicial will flatten us!
Regardless of the future, we have a loving God and his will is in play. We do what we do...until what we call time is no more, right? Hedge your bets on the Lord! Obey your authorities and love your neighbor, but don't deny Christ!
RSR, Thank you! Across the board...
At 7:50 PM ,
Chef said...
Hmmm... you brought up a good (albeit minor) point earlier. 1) How do I hide my existing guns. 2) How do I expand my collection.
Gun control means using two hands!
At 3:10 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Buying bunches of guns won't do any good unless it's unregistered, right??? Off the books, so to speak? Of course these guys probably also know what "off the books means..."
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