Election Live Blogging
Welcome to the 2008 Election Live Blog fun!
It begins now-ish. Just post whatever - snarks about obnoxious media-types, criticisms of campaigns, updates on your area, ideal weapon choices for the coming Apocalypse - and we'll all have a grand time.
It begins now-ish. Just post whatever - snarks about obnoxious media-types, criticisms of campaigns, updates on your area, ideal weapon choices for the coming Apocalypse - and we'll all have a grand time.
At 5:41 PM ,
Jon Kl said...
This just in: The Media is still "calling" states within seconds of the polls closing.
Who is the Secretary of State in Maine? And why do they have just 3 votes? And is Susan Collins such a RINO she gets 2 Obama voters?
At 5:49 PM ,
Chef said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
At 5:50 PM ,
Jon Kl said...
I understand the New Hampshire numbers: They've got hillbillies who think voting at 12:01am is the coolest. Were those 3 the crew of the lobster vessel fishing for the meal at Obama's oh-so-glorious-and-historic victory party, who got a special dispensation from the governor?
And in that case, do you think the lone McCain voter in that group is coming back?
At 5:58 PM ,
Chef said...
'wait a minute...I didn't think lobster had any red meat in it.' "No, no. It's surf & turf." 'oh, okay... has anybody seen Jed?'
At 5:59 PM ,
Chef said...
Gomez (aka Chef) here. RSR, how about we get the old crew together sometime for some podcasting goodness. Is it possible to record a podcast from a teleconferencing program like Skype? Any who, I'm sure this election, like every other one will be entirely mismanaged by the conventional media. They will probably declare a winner far too early, only to either backpedal or gloat. If they get it right, it's a lot of 'We called it first!' and 'We told you so.' Whileas, if they get it wrong 'You can never predict how the American people will turn out at the polls.' or 'The results of this election are unpredictable.'... my personal favorite phrase (which will never be said by the conventional media) is ... "NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF STUPID PEOPLE IN LARGE GROUPS"
At 6:09 PM ,
Jon Kl said...
Podcasting. I like that idea. We could get on that elevator on the ground floor, and be rolling in time for the Fairness Doctrine to take away all the other audio-opinion media.
I have to admit - by doing this, I guess I am kind of encouraging the ridiculous practice of 1%-precinct declarations. After all, you can't do this at 3am.
Well, you could, but you'd have to be drinking espresso instead of Scotch. And that's not nearly as much fun.
At 6:46 PM ,
Anonymous said...
BOSS: The race started slow 4 years ago. Keep awake, save the scotch for later
At 6:49 PM ,
Jon Kl said...
The Munchkin is in bed. Now it's time to get to business.
You know, Important Things: I can't decide if these HD-bottom-bars are good information or obnoxious as hell.
I tend to lean toward the latter. And they seem to think they have to talk about stuff less if you have the chance of seeing it yourself once every 12 cycles of the graphic.
At 6:54 PM ,
Jon Kl said...
Boss - Any updates leaking from the CO yet?
At 6:57 PM ,
Jon Kl said...
Ah, yes - defend your technique of determining the winner based on whoever has the time to waste 10 minutes on another poll after the only poll that counts.
Because, really, it's not the voters who decide the election. Nor even the electors. It's the people who answer exit polls.
They're almost more powerful than Justice Kennedy.
At 7:05 PM ,
Anonymous said...
BOSS: polls just closed. haven't heard any "inside info" Sen B is slightly positive but doesn't believe they can get control of the House this year. The Gov will be a one termer, the dirt is out on him
At 7:10 PM ,
Jon Kl said...
When you hear the phrase "too close to call," take a shot.
I am not responsible for the alcohol poisoning that results. Sorry.
At 7:26 PM ,
Anonymous said...
schaffer is leading, John Salazar is behind,most of the referendems are losing, Salazar is a maverick, he is plenty conservative, not like his senator brother, McCain is behind in early voting
At 7:29 PM ,
Jon Kl said...
Of course, the Rocky's already called it for Obama.
At 7:32 PM ,
Jon Kl said...
So they called Ohio. Fun, fun.
At 7:43 PM ,
Jon Kl said...
If this gets interesting again, maybe I'll be back. But it's not looking good.
Here's hoping the numbers pan out differently in OH and PA.
At 7:48 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Mushgrave is behind
At 7:48 PM ,
Anonymous said...
musgrave is behind
At 7:49 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Let's give it up to the media and Hollywood for suckering people in!!!
At 7:49 PM ,
Anonymous said...
BOSS musgrave is behind
At 7:54 PM ,
Anonymous said...
BOSS Cory Gardner was on the tube, he is positive that The R's will pick up some legislative seats
At 7:55 PM ,
Anonymous said...
BOSS I am sipping a McCellan
At 8:34 PM ,
Chef said...
been absent for a little bit. No surprise that the news is already declaring a winner...even though there still isn't enough electoral votes in. oh wait, and lets not forget all those absentee ballots from troops overseas. I guess they don't matter much unless they vote Dem, then the media might make a stink about it.
At 8:44 PM ,
FlowerLady said...
And DEWEY WINS!!! I'm not giving up yet. Let's wait until the votes are counted......
At 8:46 PM ,
Jon Kl said...
On the Musgrave race, they're not calling the Senate race yet despite the numbers, so I think there are a lot of conservative precincts not reporting yet. Which makes me think that maybe a lot of the same districts are missing from the District 4 math, too.
On another note, I wonder if the media will ever dare hold Obama to account for much of anything. They've always relished (these past 8 years more than most) their position as finders of corruption and all things bad in government. Will they suddenly change their tune?
Got some 18-year-old Glenlivet here. Pretty tasty stuff. Peaty.
At 8:48 PM ,
Jon Kl said...
One more CO question - how is Ref. O so close? That one seems like a no-brainer from both sides of the aisle.
At 8:52 PM ,
Chef said...
would love to keep up on the election coverage...but I gotta go to work, and I honestly doubt the blog will make it through the firewall.
At 8:58 PM ,
Jon Kl said...
Probably not. I'm on nights tomorrow, so this might go on a while. Keep in touch.
At 9:01 PM ,
Anonymous said...
BOSS so you have finally found out how to handle good scotch, remember neat, no water BOSS
At 9:08 PM ,
Jon Kl said...
I decided it needed to be a little smoky for my taste - I might have to look into Islay Scotches.
At 9:41 PM ,
Jon Kl said...
It's over, but it's never over. You'll note that our losing party was gracious in concession, unlike in other countries (our President-elect's cousin's for example).
So we've got that going for us, which is good.
Boss, you're going to have to get CG and GB fired up and ready to go - it's time to start calling up the prospects from the Minors. It's time to go grassroots.
I'm not convinced all the fired-up punks from Kos and MoveOn are going to hang around when they don't get the fun of throwing darts from the peanut gallery anymore.
At 10:00 PM ,
Jon Kl said...
Obama's speech translation:
"America's awesome because you all voted for ME!"
At 10:05 PM ,
FlowerLady said...
"By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people."
Romans 16:18
At 10:10 PM ,
Jon Kl said...
"Or even in one term"
Assuming quite a bit, aren't you boss?
I really hope he'll be a Paper Socialist. We'll see.
Boss, tell your contacts I'm in - whatever I need to do.
Seen on another comment section: "I'm not a member of an organized political party - I'm a Republican."
At 10:13 PM ,
Jon Kl said...
"Our union can be perfected."
That's the failure of progressivism. Right there. The fundamental fault of the whole philosophy.
Oh boy.
At 10:19 PM ,
Anonymous said...
BOSS CG and GB have started organizing months oago. I think we might have taken back the state senated and made some changes in the House. I can't find the final results, probably have to wait until tomorrow. Gov has been caught messing around, so he will be a one termer. A young Rep from Grand Junction is considering the run for gov, but so is Salazar.
At 10:29 PM ,
Jon Kl said...
Is that the Senator Salazar, and if so, is that two seats that will be open in two years (counting Markey)?
At 10:41 PM ,
Jon Kl said...
Brit Hume has lost his mind.
At 10:46 PM ,
Anonymous said...
BOSS Musgrave lost it. Colorado is an official Blue staate
At 10:47 PM ,
Jon Kl said...
I'm tempted to say Good. She's wasted too much money the past few cycles. We need someone who can hold that seat a little more cheaply.
At 10:49 PM ,
Anonymous said...
BOSS we have a bunch of planning , Greg and company will get to work. Getting sleep time have a good one
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